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Libri Moderni

Kerr, Judith

Quando Hitler rubò il coniglio rosa / Judith Kerr ; postfazione di Antonio Faeti

10. ed

[Milano] : Fabbri, 2003

I Delfini / collana diretta da Antonio Faeti ; 21

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Libri Moderni

Blixen, Karen

Babette's feast / Karen Blixen ; a cura di Anna Maria Segala ; traduzione di Paola Ojetti

Torino : Einaudi, 1997

Scrittori tradotti da scrittori ; 66

A selection of stories from Dubliners
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Libri Moderni

Joyce, James

A selection of stories from Dubliners / James Joyce ; edited with an introduction and notes by Luigi Castigliano

Milano : Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori

50 icone della fotografia
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Libri Moderni

Koetzle, Hans Michael

50 icone della fotografia : le storie dietro gli scatti / Hans-Michael Koetzle

Koln : Taschen, copyr. 2012

Ospedali = Hospitals
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Libri Moderni

Aloi, Giampiero - Bassi, Carlo

Ospedali = Hospitals / Roberto Aloi e Carlo Bassi

Milano : Ulrico Hoepli, copyr. 1972

Giuseppe Terragni
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Libri Moderni

Terragni, Giuseppe

Giuseppe Terragni : Casa del Fascio, Como, Italy, 1932-36 : Asilo Infantile Antonio Sant'Elia, Como, Italy, 1936-37 / Edited and Photographed by Yukio Futagawa ; Text by Thomas L. Schumacher. Tokyo : A.D.A. Edita, copyr. 1994.


Global architecture ; 74

Somaini le grandi opere
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Libri Moderni

Somaini, Francesco

Somaini le grandi opere : Realizzazioni Progetti Utopie / a cura di Enrico Crispolti e Luisa Somaini

Milano : Electa, copyr. 1997

Jan Rietveld
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Libri Moderni

Rietveld, Jan

Jan Rietveld / [a cura di] Paul Salomons e Simone Doorman

Amsterdam : Uitgeverij 010, copyr. 1990

Land art e arte ambientale
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Libri Moderni

Land art e arte ambientale / a cura di Jeffrey Kastner ; introduzione di Brian Wallis

London : Phaidon, 2004

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Libri Moderni

Nuvole a colazione / [Pinin Carpi et al. ; illustrazioni di Federico Maggioni et al.]

[Ozzano Emilia] : Panini ragazzi, [1995]

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Libri Moderni

Chabon, Michael

Summerland / Michael Chabon ; traduzione di Maria Concetta Scotto di Santillo

[Milano] : Fabbri, 2003

Narrativa Fabbri

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Libri Moderni

Milani, Mino

La storia di Orfeo ed Euridice / raccontata da Mino Milani ; illustrazioni di Nella Bosnia

Trieste : Einaudi Ragazzi, [1994]

Einaudi ragazzi. Narrativa ; 36

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Libri Moderni

Pestriniero, Renato

Una voce dal futuro : storia di fantasia e computer / Renato Pestriniero ; esercitazioni e note a cura di Simona Rivolta

Milano : Edizioni scolastiche B. Mondadori, [1996]

Narrativa moderna ; 94

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Funeral Teares ; O Sweet Flower 3:02 / John Coprario

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Libri Moderni

Snicket, Lemony

Il vile villaggio / di Lemony Snicket ; illustrazioni di Brett Helquist

Milano : Salani, [2003]

Una serie di sfortunati eventi ; 7

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Libri Moderni

Levi, Lia

Da quando sono tornata / Lia Levi ; illustrazioni di Desideria Guicciardini

Milano : A. Mondadori, 1998

Junior +10 ; 49

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Libri Moderni

Pilkey, Dav

Capitan Mutanda contro i malefici zombi babbei / Dav Pilkey ; illustrazioni dell'autore ; traduzione di Livia Cosi

Casale Monferrato (AL) : Piemme Junior, 2001

Il battello a vapore : a partire dai 7 anni / collana diretta da José Luis Cortés Salinas. Serie azzurra ; 49

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Libri Moderni

Antonetti, M.C. - Baione Allasia, S. - Vendramin, E.

To the point : workbook per il biennio dele scuole superiori / M.C. Antonetti ; S. Baione Allasia ; E. Vendramin

Torino : SEI, 1990

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Libri Moderni

Plutschow, Herbert E.

Introducing Kyoto / text: Herbert E. Plutschow ; foreword: Donald Keene

Tokyo - New York - London : Kodansha International, copyr. 1979, (stampa 1988)

Abstract: The clearest expression of the Japanese genius is always found in the small...the simple expression of an essential character and insight. In that sense, this book itself exemplifies its subject; the city of Kyoto, Japan's cultural heart. A map on the inside cover with locations of treasured sites begins our orientation. A foreward by Donald Keene evokes his experience of the grace and pleasures of Kyoto and locates us in the poetic character of the city. The visual and tangible is the key to any understanding of Japan and for most of us it is the only route around the barrier of language. It is surprising, but perfectly appropriate, to find our next stage is not text but a series of photographs that rank among the best this writer has seen on the subject (if only as a collection of superb photographs this book would be a bargain). These photographs lead to text that gives us, clearly and succinctly, a brief history of the city.which, in turn, is followed by another series of photographs with examples of daily life and craft continuing the past into the present. A list of principal festivals, line drawings of selected costumes and artifacts, a chronology of Japanese history(on the inside back cover) interspersed through the book all follow the principle of focusing on the essential.. As an introduction to Kyoto this little book is exemplary; as a capsuled insight into Japanese culture it is indispensible. (

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Recanati : ELI, copyr. 2000

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