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× Lingue Inglese
× Data 1977
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× Paese Germania

Trovati 168 documenti.

The portable Arthur Miller
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Libri Moderni

Miller, Arthur

The portable Arthur Miller : I. plays ii. other works [con note biografiche del curatore] / Arthur Miller ; a cura di Harold Clurman

Harmondsworth (gb) : Penguin Books, 1977

The Viking portable library

0 0
Libri Moderni

VIAGGIO NEL TEMPO : Evoluzione dell'uomo e preistoria / presentazione di Ippolito Felice

Milano : Le Scienze, 1977

Letture da Le scienze

4: Cratylus, Parmenides, Greater Hippias, Lesser Hippias
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Libri Moderni

Plato - Fowler, Harold North

4: Cratylus, Parmenides, Greater Hippias, Lesser Hippias / Plato ; with an english translation by H.N. Fowler

Casale Monferrato (AL) : William Heinemann Ltd - Harvard University Press, 1977

The Loeb classical library

Fa parte di: Plato. Plato

7: Theaetetus, Sophist
0 0
Libri Moderni

Plato - Fowler, Harold North

7: Theaetetus, Sophist

Casale Monferrato (AL) : William Heinemann Ltd - Harvard University Press, 1977

The Loeb classical library

Fa parte di: Plato. Plato

0 0
Libri Moderni

Callimachus - Aratus : Solensis - Mair, A. W. - Lycophron - Mair, G. R.

Callimachus : Hymns and epigrams / Lycophron, with an English translation by A. W. Mair ; Aratus, with an English translation by G. R. Mair

Casale Monferrato (AL) : William Heinemann Ltd - Harvard University Press, 1977

The Loeb classical library

2: Selected orations
0 0
Libri Moderni

Libanius - Norman, Albert Francis

2: Selected orations / with an English translation, introduction and notes by A. F. Norman

Casale Monferrato (AL) : William Heinemann Ltd - Harvard University Press, 1977

The Loeb classical library

Fa parte di: Libanius. Libanius : selected works / with an English translation, introduction and notes by A. F. Norman

The political economy of the american revolution
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Libri Moderni

Spannaus, Nancy - White, Christopher

The political economy of the american revolution / Nancy Spannaus and Christopher White

Washington : Executive intelligence review, 1977

Penguin books
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Chandler, Raymond - Lawrence, David Herbert

Penguin books

Penguin : Penguin books in association with William Heinemann : Penguin in association with William Heinemann : Penguin books in association with Secker & Warburg, 1977

King Solomon's mines
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Libri Moderni

Haggard, H. Rider

King Solomon's mines / H. Rider Haggard ; abridged and edited by Lewis Jones

London ; Glasgow : Collins, 1977

Collins English Library. Level 5

The Ottoman centuries
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Libri Moderni

Kinross, Lord

The Ottoman centuries / Lord Kinross

NewYork : Morrow Quill, 1977

The romantic imagination
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Libri Moderni

Hill, John Spencer

The romantic imagination : a casebook / edited by John Spencer Hill

London : Macmillan, 1977

A song-book of folk and pop music
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Libri Moderni

Papa, Mario - Iantorno, Giuliano

A song-book of folk and pop music : British and American culture through famous tunes / Mario Papa, Giuliano Iantorno

Bologna : Zanichelli, 1977

A Shortened History of England
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Libri Moderni

Trevelyan, George M.

A Shortened History of England / di George M. Trevelyan

Penguin ; Harmondsworth, 1977

Death of a salesman
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Libri Moderni

Miller, Arthur

Death of a salesman / Di Arthur Miller ; Introduzione e note di P. A. Kennan

Bruno Mondadori ; Milano, 1977

Literary Appreciation
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Libri Moderni

Moody, H. L. B.

Literary Appreciation : A pratical guide to the understanding and enjoyment of literature in English / Di H. L. B. Moody

Longman ; Harlow, 1977

Literature , the individual and society
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Libri Moderni

Southall, Raymond

Literature , the individual and society : Critical essays on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / di Raymond Southall

Lawrence and Wishart ; London, 1977

Hence stars! Too dim of light
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Hence stars! Too dim of light


With angel's face
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With angel's face


Lighty she whipped o'er the dales
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Lighty she whipped o'er the dales


Long live fair Oriana
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Long live fair Oriana