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Trovati 5 documenti.

Logo Art
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Libri Moderni

Miura, Kohei

Logo Art / Kohei, Miura

Giappone : Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha, 1990

Airbrush art in Japan
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Libri Moderni

Airbrush art in Japan

Tokyo : Graphicsha Publ., 1984

World Package Design - noAH- 7
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Libri Moderni

World Package Design - noAH- 7 : Featuring Corporate & Brand Identity / a cura di : Yumiko Mochizuki, Robert Morris , Satoru Shiraishi

Stati Uniti d'America : ICO Co.,LTD., 2005

Visual identity in Los Angeles
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Libri Moderni

Visual identity in Los Angeles : The best of American Corporate Identity Design

Japan : Koichiro Inagaki, 1991

9784871402255.jpg-imported from BMW2
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Libri Moderni

Arata Isozaki / edited and photographed Yukio Futagawa ; interview by Yoshio Futagawa

ADA, copyr. 1996

Fa parte di: GA. Document extra